Sitting in different chairs, joining in at different times throughout the day, God’s people still gather for worship on this, the Lord’s day. Welcome, to Sunday worship.
Call to Worship to say aloud
Holy One
as your Son spoke with the travellers on the road
speak with us,
receive our uncertainty and our misgivings,
receive our recognition and worship.
In the breaking of bread around your table, help us know your welcoming Spirit this day.
HYMN For Everyone Born a Place at the Table
All-Age Prayer
One step at a time.
One foot in front of the other.
That is what we should be doing.
Life is an adventure with you, God,
taking us along paths,
along roads,
on motorways
and dual carriageways.
Guide us, Lord Jesus,
in our walk with you.
Remind us that you are always with us.
Every step of the way.
Reading – Luke 24:13-35 to read in your own bible at home.
Dramatised version:
Sunday School activity:
Walking Tour – all age
You will need: appropriate clothing for a walk, pens, paper.
Go on a short walk around your area. For families, let the children walk with whoever they want to, it may be in two’s, three’s, on their own and encourage them to chat and think as they walk the route. When you get back to base ask the older children to write down some of the things that they heard from other people on the walk and what they have also seen en route. For the younger children they can tell you verbally.
Check with the other children who had spoken if the right information was passed on. If you are walking as an adult on your own, write down all the things you have seen so that you can replay the walk in your mind later. Say a thank you prayer for new things you noticed that led to wonder and learning.
The people in our bible story today who were walking were so caught up in what had happened on Good Friday that they failed to notice who was with them. It is easy to miss things right in front of our eyes when all our energy is taken up with one subject.
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
God of the road,
as we journey our daily paths
how wonderful it is to know
that you are there with us.
Each bump and twist we take
with your loving presence
there beside us each step of the way.
Jesus of the road,
as we journey our daily paths,
how wonderful it is to know
that you are with us.
You guide us and show us the way,
teaching us and reminding us
of the right route to take,
the right path to walk.
Holy Spirit of the road,
as we journey our daily paths
how wonderful to know
that you are there with us.
You inspire our thoughts,
you inspire our words,
you inspire our lives,
you light that path ahead of us.
For all the times we have failed
to acknowledge your presence, O God,
and have chosen our own paths,
forgotten our fellow travellers,
ignored your promptings,
we are sorry.
Sorry that we have lost our way
from not listening to you or
following Christ’s example.
Forgive us, O God,
forgive us and set us
on the right path once again,
ready to recognise you in our midst,
ready to recognise your way
is the right way.
Free us to step out again
on the road of life,
ready to be loved and to love.
HYMN Brother, Sister let me serve you
Twinning Sunday
The 26th of April is the date designated as “Twinning Sunday” in the Church of Scotland where Presbyteries remember and pray for the Presbytery or Diocese they are twinned with in another part of the world. Lothian Presbytery is twinned with the Diocese of Eastern Himilaya, North India. Here is a map of the area where the church is working at this time to share faith and hope in the midst of the same coronavirus suffering and lockdown.

We pray today for the work of the ministry teams and churches in our twinned area as they support and serve their communities.
Prayer for Others and Ourselves
Lord God,
each of us walks our own Emmaus Road.
Some seem to have an easy route,
for others it is a bumpy, twisty, uneven road.
And so for them we pray this day.
For those who are ill and
see no end in sight for their pain,
we pray for healing
and for a sense that you are there with them.
For those who face financial difficulties
and see no end to their problems
we pray for solutions
and for a sense that you are there with them.
For those who struggle to put food on the table
and see no end date to their empty cupboards
we pray for fairness
and a sense that you are there with them.
For those who are caring for loved ones
and see no end to their fatigue
we pray for rest
and a sense that you are there with them.
For those who struggle
with the daily juggle of responsibilities
and see no end to their plate spinning life,
we pray for moments of stillness
and a sense that you are there with them.
For those in the world wide church, especially in Eastern Himilaya,
facing the same challenges and others specific to their context,
we pray for strength and courage.
Lord, so many people,
so many challenges,
it is often difficult for us to know where to begin.
Help us to take each situation as it comes,
to know what the priorities are,
to work out the ways in which we can help.
Help us to stick to your path of righteousness,
justice and peace,
in all we say and do.
Lord, hear our prayers.
HYMN – We will Walk with God
We will walk with God my brothers, we will walk with God.
We will walk with God my sisters, we will walk with God.
We will go rejoicing, til the kingdom has come,
We will go rejoicing, til the kingdom has come.
Their ears were blocked,
their minds were dull,
and then they knew!
As we have worshipped
so we too go out into the world,
our hearts burning,
ready to share the Good News:
Jesus is risen! Amen.