Our ministry team

Minister: Vacant

Interim Moderator: Rev. Dale London

During our current vacancy. Rev, Dale London will act as our Interim Moderator. For any Ministerial questions please contact him on 01875 321 329

Congregational Finance Assistant – Ian Purves

Ian began working with us for 4 hours a week at the end of 2019 to support our Finance Working Group. As well as producing our monthly accounts and invoices, Ian is invaluable at keeping us compliant with OSCR the charities regulator.

Congregational Support Worker – Jennifer Stark

Hello there!
I started working at Newbattle in October 2023, following 13 years with the Church of Scotland in different churches and places: initially for 5 years in an ecumenical post in Leith (where I now live), with a group of churches in Glenrothes, and more recently, at Morningside Parish Church, and Richmond Craigmillar Church in Niddrie. They’ve all been interesting and enjoyable in different ways, and involved lots of different activities – outreach and community work, foodshare organisation, workplace and school chaplaincy, toddler groups and Holiday Clubs, pastoral work, and leading study groups and worship.

I grew up near Stirling (just over the wall from the Bannockburn Monument) but most of my family come from north of Glasgow. In my ‘previous life’, I worked mostly in adult education. I spent some years overseas, teaching English to adults and in project work with the British Council, and then had 14 years teaching in York University.

I work part-time (which I am greatly enjoying!) My main involvement is with the various church groups: the Thursday prayer group, the Men’s Group and Friendship Lunches, and our JAM (Jesus And Me) Club for primary-aged children. I also help with pastoral care, and lead or assist with Sunday worship or other services or events as needed, eg. the annual Remembrance Services and the Switch-On events in Newtongrange and Mayfield. In addition, I enjoy exploring faith through leading small groups, such as Advent or Lent groups.

I can be contacted by email on jstark@churchofscotland.org.uk, or via the Church Office. My usual working days are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sunday mornings.

Newbattle Parish Church has a commitment to pay a Living Wage as set by the Living Wage Foundation for all UK employees and we consult with our employees regarding all decisions which may affect them and encourage suggestions and feedback.