Let the children come to me

God loves a child unconditionally. We see this in how Jesus stressed the importance of children, and how he obviously enjoyed their presence. We in The Parish of Newbattle seek to have in our life together the same spirit of love and welcome for your family.
In Christian baptism your child is welcomed into the fellowship of the Church normally on at morning worship. The Church seeks to know, love, serve and follow God the Father, in the way of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit. And so in the service we use these important words. “I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”
Who can be Baptised ?
Anyone! God loves us all, children, parents, seniors – without condition. Baptism is an expression of this, and more. For in baptism we respond to God’s love. And for infants, parents are required to make a response by bringing your child up in the Christian faith. The Parish of Newbattle is here to help you do this, so talk to the ministers.
The Thanksgiving and Blessing of a Child
A thanksgiving and blessing service allows you as parents to give thanks to God for your child and to ask for His blessing upon them. It is an opportunity to stop and share your gratitude with others. A thanksgiving and blessing would take place as part of the usual Sunday morning service. It requires no ongoing commitment and no profession of faith.
Those wishing to give thought to whether a Baptism or a Blessing is most appropriate for their child should contact the minister, who will discuss with them the wording, responsibilities and commitment involved.