Recorded on Remembrance Sunday in Newbattle Church:
news about large gray ships
Recorded on Remembrance Sunday in Newbattle Church:
You can watch the recording of our Remembrance Sunday service from Mayfield and Easthouses church on the 8th of November on the video below, this service was livestreamed on the day:
Sitting in different chairs, joining in at different times throughout the day, God’s people still gather for worship on this, the Lord’s day. Welcome, to Sunday worship.
Call to Worship with parts in bold to say aloud
Based on Psalm 43.
We come to the altar of God
ready to hear the Word of God,
we come to seek your holy refuge, Lord God,
and cast aside all that removes us from you.
The Lord sends out his light and truth
casting away the darkness of mourning,
let them lead us into your dwelling place.
May we not be cast down
but rather lift our voices in praise,
our help and our God.
Let us worship the Lord!
HYMN – Praise my Soul the King of Heaven
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Wise one,
your knowledge is complete,
perfect in every way,
we seek to learn and become wiser.
We come before you
as willing students,
ready to listen,
to hear your words of wisdom
for us today.
In your wisdom
you gave each one of us
gifts and talents
to help build your kingdom.
We are sorry for those times
when we have failed to use
all you have given us.
We are conscious that there
have been times we have chosen
to ignore the needs of others
and instead been foolish.
Forgive us, O Lord,
we desire wisdom
we long to be more like Jesus
in our words and our actions.
We recommit ourselves
to the work you have given us
using all that we have
to bring the kingdom of God
here and now.
Reading: Matthew 23 v 1- 12 read by Jean Davidson
Dramatised Reading:
Reflection –
Prayers for Others and Ourselves
Gracious God,
wise teacher,
we thank you
for your patience
and mercy.
Hear us, O Lord,
as we offer these prayers
for our universe.
We thank you
for the men, women and children
who wisely use the gifts and talents
you have given them,
who are making our world
a better place to live in.
We thank you
for all those people
who are gifted teachers
helping others to learn
and grow in all manner of ways.
We thank you
for all those people
who are enablers
helping people
to discover gifts and talents
they weren’t aware of.
We pray for
all those people
who have been denied
from using the gifts and talents
they have and who long
for an opportunity to use them.
We pray for
all those people
who spend so much time
envying the gifts of others
they fail to see their own gifts
nor use them well.
Lord in a world full of people
who love to proclaim their wisdom
but live foolish lives
we pray that your followers
would strive to be
as wise as Jesus
and live as he did.
Help us we pray.
HYMN – Oh Lord all the World Belongs to You
As well as offerings of time and talents, you can make your financial offerings via the envelopes, standing order or by the new online donate button below:
Prayer of Dedication
Generous God,
you teach us to offer freely,
without counting the cost,
receive our offerings today,
a symbol of all our gifts and talents
freely given to work for your kingdom.
HYMN – For all the Saints
Following Jesus can be difficult.
It is not easy always getting things right.
Sometimes it is easier to look good than be good.
Know that as we bring our worship to a close
that you are good enough
for you are
beloved of God,
upheld by Jesus,
and accompanied by the Spirit. Amen
Next Sunday our Remembrance service will take place in the building at Mayfield and Easthouses at 11am. To book a place please call the church office on 0131 663 3245. The service will also be live streamed for our congregation joining us from their homes.