Join us for worship every Sunday at 11am at Mayfield and Easthouses Church.
During the week at Mayfield and Easthouses:
Mondays – Jellytots Toddler Group 10am – 12noon with NHS Breastfeeding Network every fortnight
Tuesdays – Prayer Group 10am – 11am
Wednesdays – Cafe and New2U Shop 10am – 12noon
– Church Art Group 2pm – 3.30pm
Thursdays – Men’s Group starting with a soup lunch 12noon – 2pm
Our Friendship Lunches take place at the end of each month on a Tuesday from 12noon – 2pm. This month’s date is Tuesday 24th January a day ahead of Burn’s day and will have Burn’s theme. If you would like to come along please call the church office on 0131 663 3245.
Winter Get Together – On Thursday January 26th we will be having a beat the blues wellbeing afternoon starting with Men’s Yoga from 12.50pm and Ladies Yoga from 1.30pm followed by tea, coffee and a healthy snack. Please call the church office to book your place.