Join us for worship this month as we come to the end of the season of Lent and enter into Holy Week and then Easter. All services will be in the building at Mayfield and Easthouses Church and also on zoom via the link below:
Sunday 3rd April – 5th Sunday of Lent 11am
Sunday 10th April – Palm Sunday 11am

Maundy Thursday 14th April with communion – 2.30pm followed by the Holy Week Cafe

Good Friday 15th April – 2.30pm followed by the Holy Week Cafe

Easter Sunday 17th April – 11am

Sunday 24th April – 11am
Join us too at The Saturday Session at The Pool In Newtongrange where we will have our church table with an opportunity to take part in a Family Easter Trail and win a prize. Saturday 9th April 11am – 1pm
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