Sitting in different chairs, joining in at different times throughout the day, God’s people still gather for worship on this, the Lord’s day. Welcome, to Sunday worship.
Call to Worship – with parts in bold to say aloud
God comes and does not keep silent,
God calls to the heavens and earth,
to God’s faithful ones.
We answer God’s call.
Leader: God calls us each by name,
chosen and loved,
known and seen.
We answer God’s call,
we gather to worship.
HYMN – This Little Light of Mine
All-Age Prayer
On top of a mountain,
the disciples see an amazing sight,
we can only imagine what they,
must have thought,
but Jesus was with them,
so, we know they were safe and secure,
they were in his protection,
just like we are today.
Thank you, God, for showing
us the long history and bright future
of you people, from Moses and Elijah,
to Peter, James, and John,
help us to find confidence in their stories
to follow you in our own lives,
to love each other,
to be kind to each other,
and to love you
every day of our lives.
HYMN – Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus
Reading: Mark 9 v 2-15 read by Alan Marshall
HYMN – Praise the One who Breaks the Darkness
Prayers for Others and Ourselves
Ever loving God,
we pray today for your church.
As Christian communities
all across Scotland and the World,
face new challenges, pain
and an uncertain future,
we pray for the wisdom to see
new opportunities for growth and renewal,
even in these difficult times.
We pray for this church,
gathered here, and in the wider community,
as it continues to work your kingdom,
and to carry out your mission,
we pray for strength to carry on,
even as it may seem more difficult
than ever to spread your word.
As Jesus’ life is revealed in our holy books
so too let his love be revealed in our community today.
We pray with all those living in fear,
those who have had to flee their homeland,
who do not feel safe in their own homes,
those who are marginalised because of
their sexuality, race, or gender,
or any other reason
for which your beloved children are attacked.
Help them to see,
your all-encompassing love,
and help us to show that same love.
We pray for our world,
as we continue to face
crisis after crisis, and struggle
to protect and preserve
your wonderous creation,
as we feel helpless in the face
of wars raging and lives ruined,
we ask for boldness,
to speak truth to power,
to find new ways to create change,
and we pray that those
with the power to do so,
will find the strength in you
to do what is right
rather than that which is easy.
We pray these things in the name
of Jesus, who is revealed to us
and calls us to do his work.
HYMN – Shine Jesus Shine
Just as Jesus chose to descend
the mountain once again,
We follow him back into the world
to bring love, healing and peace
to our communities.
May we go and serve
in the name of God almighty,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
today, tomorrow and forever more. Amen.
There will be a special Valentine’s Day message from Messy Church this evening on the website at 6pm.
Next Sunday for the 1st Sunday of Lent we will be having a service on zoom beginning at 11am. The zoom details will be posted on Sunday morning (21st February) and the zoom waiting room will open at 10.45am.