Sunday Worship – 31st January 2021 by Rev Gayle Taylor

As you prepare for worship today think about some good news stories that you have heard recently that reflect a transformation in someone’s life. That might be a personal story known to you or something that has garnered wider interest in the press.

• What was the transformation you brought to mind?

• How might God have been a part of that change?

Call to Worship

Based on Psalm 111.

Our God is gracious and merciful

holy and awesome is his name.

The universe reveals God’s

amazing creativity, power and majesty.

We are part of that amazing reality,

we are made in God’s image

and invited to be co-creators.

Let us draw near to our God

and offer this time of worship

with our whole hearts and minds.

HYMN – Our God is a God who makes Friends

Our God calls us ALL to make friends…..yes, you as well as I, we’re the very ones God sends, our God calls us all to make friends. Let us pray:

All-Age Prayer


you are



and wise.

We are

your children

and long

to know you better.

Thank you for Jesus,

he helps us

to know you

and he shows us

that we need to love

each other and you

with all our heart.

We want to be

more like Jesus,

to seek to make friends,

to love everyone

the same,

to help those

who are in need

and to share

what we know

with others.

Thank you

for listening to

our prayer.


Reading: Mark 1 v 21 -28 read by Marlene Johnson

Dramatised Reading:


In this month of January where we have marked the birth of our national poet Robert Burns on the 25th, we sing the hymn written by John Bell set to the tune “Ye Banks and Braes”.

HYMN – We Cannot Measure How You Heal

Prayers for Others and Ourselves

Healing God,

our world needs your gentle healing touch today.

As Covid-19 continues to spread

and cause chaos for billions of people

we need your gentle healing touch

for all who are trying to deliver a vaccine,

for all who serve on the frontline medical services,

for all who are helping our young people

to stay in education at home,

for all who are delivering to the isolated,

for all who are working to keep the peace,

for all who are putting themselves at risk to help others.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As wars and threats of violence

continue to rage in many places today

we need your gentle healing touch

for all who have been taken from their families

and forced to take up arms,

for all who have been at war

for longer than they have been alive

and for whom peace seems impossible,

for all who continue to profit from war mongering

and who endanger others lives,

for all who abuse their authority

or use it for personal gain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As our brothers and sisters

suffer from all manner of illnesses and anxieties

we need your gentle healing touch

for all who are unable to access healthcare,

for all who have had to wait for investigations or treatments,

for all who have been isolated from loved ones,

for all who have faced death alone.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In a moments silence

we name those people and situations

known to us where your gentle healing touch

is needed today.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Thank you for listening to our groanings, O Lord,

give us patience to wait for answers

and courage to be the answer where we can.

In the name of Christ, the healer, we pray.


HYMN – The One Who Longs to Make us Whole (words by Edith Downing Sinclair 1922)

Sing to the Scottish tune – The Flower of the Quern by James Scott Skinner

Play the tune and read or sing the words:

1 The one who longs to make us whole
is waiting to embrace
our broken lives, so we can know
the power of healing grace.
God’s love surrounds our suffering,
and keeps us through the night;
God helps us bear our deep despair
till we see morning light.

2 The one who saves us from ourselves
is waiting to release
our hearts from chains of self-reproach
and failure to find peace.
When harmful habits leave us bruised,
distraught by inner pain,
God comes to us through trusted friends,
and helps us hope again.

3 The one who understands our need
accepts us as we are;
and, like a loved one, welcomes us
when we have wandered far.
God never says we come too late
to be forgiven, free,
but promises we can become
the self we’re meant to be.

Offering – as we make our offerings of time, talent and money today, while the church building is closed, it is possible to give online via the “Donate now” button on the main page of the website if you would like to.

Prayer of Dedication

Generous God,

giver of life and

full of grace and mercy,

we come humbly before you

and present our offerings.

Take and use them

for the building of your kingdom,

may they enable your word

to be spread far and wide

for everyone to hear.


HYMN – Lord Speak to Me


Today we have listened…

And now we go to act.

We go to listen to others.

We go to love others.

We go to be a blessing to others.

And we do all these things

in the name of the

Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen