As we prepare to worship at home today, let’s reflect on what it has been like to be a follower of Jesus over the last year.
• What has been hard?
• What has been encouraging?
Call to Worship
The Lord our God calls us to worship,
we are called to gather together,
to raise our hearts, minds and voices
to the Holy One.
Come, praise the Lord
all you people,
offer this time to the one
who calls us by name.
HYMN – When Jesus Saw the Fishermen
All-Age Prayer
Jesus called the fishermen,
Peter, Andrew, James and John.
How could they just drop their nets?
How could they leave their family and boats behind?
Were they not afraid, Lord?
What did their family and friends say?
We have so many questions
and maybe they did too.
Help us to understand
how they were able to say yes
when you called them.
May we be as brave as them
when we hear your call to us
to radical change
to come and follow you
HYMN – Big Man Standing by the Blue Waterside
Reading: Mark 1 v 14 – 20 (or also in Matthew 4 v 18-22)
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
14 After John had been put in prison, Jesus went to Galilee and preached the Good News from God. 15 “The right time has come,” he said, “and the Kingdom of God is near! Turn away from your sins and believe the Good News!”
16 As Jesus walked along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two fishermen, Simon and his brother Andrew, catching fish with a net. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people.” 18 At once they left their nets and went with him.
19 He went a little farther on and saw two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in their boat getting their nets ready. 20 As soon as Jesus saw them, he called them; they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and went with Jesus.
Dramatised reading:
HYMN – I will Make You Fishers Men
Prayers for Others and Ourselves
Ever loving God,
mother and father of all,
creator and guardian of everything
that we perceive,
we come together today,
in praise and joy to give thanks
for your love and to rejoice in
the gifts you have given.
We pray for our world,
which has been terrorised by the
implications of Covid-19.
We ask for your eternal protection
on those who work to keep your
beloved children safe.
In a time where the interdependence
of all people has become ever more evident
and yet the divisions that plague our societies
have become ever more obvious,
we ask for the boldness to acknowledge
our prejudice and to work for
justice for all peoples.
We pray for your church,
for the individuals who make up
this body of Christ,
and for the institutions that organise
and facilitate the gathering of your
church in community.
In this time of change,
and hardship for a people who
have lost the privileged position
once occupied by Christians in the western world,
help us to see the gift that this can bring
to guide us towards a simpler,
faithful church, focused on love of you
love of our neighbour and ourselves.
We pray for each person here today,
as we each chart our own path through life,
seeking to do good,
at times succeeding
and at times failing,
that we may each find strength
in your love to live well
and show the radical love
offered in and commanded by your son
today and every day.
The Offering:
As well as our offerings of our time and talents, we make our monetary offerings by standing order, in free will envelopes and now, if you wish, you can make an offering online by visiting the main page of the website and clicking on the “donate now” button.
Prayer of Dedication
Holy God,
may the spirit nudge us daily
in the way we are meant to go,
may we always look to Jesus
to be our guide as we walk this journey of life.
Take all we offer today,
use our gifts of money
for the building of your kingdom,
use our talents
to help others come to know you
and grow in discipleship.
Lord, all we have we offer to you,
today and always.
HYMN – Heaven Shall Not Wait
Called by God to follow,
the time has come
to go into the world
and make Christ known to all we meet.
And as you do,
may God guide your path,
may Jesus walk beside you
and may the Holy Spirit inspire you.
Today, tomorrow and forever more. Amen