Call to Worship
We gather on this glorious
Christmas morning,
whether in person in the pew/seat
or online via zoom/facebook/youtube.
This year we celebrate a little differently
but we still celebrate
for the child who has long been foretold
was born all those years ago
bringing joy and hope to the world.
So we come as we are
wherever we are and offer our worship
to Jesus.
Lord, come close to us as we come close to you.
HYMN – O Come all Ye Faithful
Holy God,
what a brilliant day this is,
a day of celebration,
of giving and receiving
of sharing with loved ones,
of eating too much
and perhaps having a sherry
(or insert whatever drink you like)
too many!
Today we party,
we let our hair down
and celebrate
as we remember
the birth of Jesus,
God is with us
now and always.
Jesus came to turn the world upside down
and those early days with a new baby
must have turned the world upside down
for Mary and Joseph.
A precious new life was their responsibility,
a child made in the image of God,
who also was God, what a mystery!
I’m sure they made mistakes,
got muddled up and longed
for a good night’s sleep,
but like all new parents
they put the child’s needs
before their own
as they would all their lives.
God, you created families
and we are glad you did.
Some of us may not have large families or do not have contact with relatives
but we are all part of your family, the church
and pray for all those in our community who feel alone today.
Forgive us for the times when we
have failed to be loving to our family,
or when we have hurt them in any way.
May today be a day when we remember
how fortunate we are to have each one
of our family, whether they be near or far from us
may we endeavour to make time
to tell them we love them
and may we be grateful for
all they mean to us.
In the name of Christ we pray.
From a time of worship,
a moment of celebration,
may we take the joy of Christmas
into our homes and community,
continuing the heavenly song
and celebrating in quiet ways or loud,
with others or by our selves,
that Jesus is with us,
God is with us,
Immanuel. Amen