- We have now reopened Mayfield and Easthouses Church on Wednesday 16th September and have held a short mid week reflection/private prayer service from 11 – 11.30am.
- The Kirk Session met on the evening of the 16th of September at 7pm (on zoom) and looked at how this went, agreed on adjustments to maximise safety and made further plans for the livestreaming of worship from the church, for everyone at home, on Sunday the 27th September at 11am.
- The Kirk Session continue to prepare and plan for a Harvest service on Sunday the 4th October, livestreamed and also with people back in the church sanctuary. The booking system for this will be by telephone via the church office and will begin on Sunday 28th September and close on Monday the 29th. The number of seats in the church is limited and they will be allocated on a first come basis.
- There will be a zoom coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Care on Sunday the 11th October at 11.30am. Please email the minister or Session Clerk if you wish to be part of this and we will send you the zoom invitation.
Please note these dates in your diary and book your place if you would like to attend the Harvest service or the MacMillan Coffee Morning on zoom. If you have friends or family who are not online then please help us by sharing the news about our small and cautious steps back to our buildings.