Sadly we can’t meet together in the church at Mayfield and Easthouses as we usually do at the beginning of the month but we have some grrrrreat ideas that we would have used and you can still do at home.
First of all…..
During this week in the life of Jesus, we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a Donkey and the time he spent with his Disciples.
Can you make a donkey?
you will need a piece of card – it can be an old cereal box or delivery box, two clothes pegs and a little plaited wool,string or cotton. some scissors and colouring pens or crayon, Sellotape or glue
First draw a body and head shape and cut it out. use the pegs to make the legs and glue the tail to your donkey.
Donkeys are really important in the Bible, can you remember when else you heard about donkeys? – I’ll give you a clue – a lady expecting a Baby travelled many miles we celebrate that Donkey at Christmas. Donkeys are humble animals and God used them to show that not only was Jesus the Son of God but he came to earth to be like us and have the same experiences that we have, the happy and the sad, the good and the bad.
At Easter we find out about the sadness of Jesus whose friend betrayed him leading to his arrest by the leaders of the community and the sadness of the Disciples after Jesus told them he was going to die.
There are lots of things going on at the moment in our lives that are a bit like this, worry, anxiety and sadness about the virus affecting the world but the celebration of new life in the lambs, flowers and trees around us.
Lots of you have been posting Rainbows on your windows as a symbol of hope. In the same way the people in Jerusalem waved palm branches and shouted Hosanna when Jesus went past,
Can you make a HOSANNA banner? you can use the colours of the rainbow, stick coloured paper, use felt pens or crayons or shiny stickers – what ever you like.
Hosanna means SAVE US – people thought Jesus was coming to save them from the Romans – instead he was to save them from all the wrong things they (and we) did by taking our punishment.
Post a picture of your HOSANNA banner on our fb page!
While we are in lockdown why not make an Easter card for a neighbour, what things remind you most of Easter and this time of year?
Join us later in the week for our Good Friday celebration and don’t forget to do the Easter Egg Hunt around Mayfield and Easthouses Parks before Saturday.
Dear Jesus, Thank you that you came to save us, Hosanna. We are sorry for the times we have done things that make people sad or angry, and things that make you sad. Please forgive us for the things we do that are wrong, help us to be more like you.