All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the LORD has commanded
Ephesians 2:10
Could you support your local Parish Church either through the giving of time or a financial donation?
Within the Parish of Newbattle, we are committed to providing a credible Christian presence within the communities of Newbattle, Newtongrange, Mayfield, Easthouses and Gowkshill. This involves offering worship, Christian teaching and faith plus the opportunity to encounter the mystery of the God who made us and loves us.
Ways to give without giving money
We are always looking for volunteers to help with the many activities within our church. This could include;
- Helping at our Wednesday Cafe or New2U shop
- Singing in the praise band
- Being part of the Tuesday prayer group every week at 10am
- Donate items or time for packing bags or serving soup as part of our Newbattle Food Initiative
For more information see our group pages our contact us on 0131 663 3245
Financial Donations
Giving to Newbattle Parish
We give money to make a difference to the life of our community, to the life of our nation, to the life of our world, by sharing the Gospel, through the worship, fellowship, mission and service of the Church.
Our giving helps to provide parish ministry throughout Scotland, including our own congregation it helps to maintain and develop our buildings for the life and service of our congregation; it helps beyond our community in the national and global work of the Church of Scotland.
Our Church provides worship and fellowship, services for baptisms, weddings and funerals, a centre for children and young people to grow in Christian faith, a home for our Church groups and a place for community groups to meet.
Most activities are free or subsidised, but cost money to run. There are staff who have to be paid, buildings that need to be insured and maintained not to mention the escalating costs of heating and light. We receive no government support and are funded only by occasional donations and the regular giving of friends and members. Payment of the Ministry Team is generously supported by the Church of Scotland and the Presbytery of Lothian.
There are a variety of ways to give a donation to help support our Christian work;
- Easy Fundraising – raise money for our charity every time you shop online!!!
- Monetary donation – either a one off donation or regular donation
- Legacy – to leave something in your will to the church
Easy Fundraising
If you shop on line then you could be making money for the church for free!!!!
You could get a percentage of whatever you buy on line donated by the retailer to the church – it literally takes 5 minutes to set up and then shopping is the same as before. Retailers include Boots, Argos, Amazon, M&S, PC World, Tesco Direct and many more.
All you need to do is visit a website called and follow the following steps:
- Click on the box ‘register as a user’
- Complete all the details including choosing the organisation of Newbattle Parish Church (CofS).
- And that is it!!!!
Every time you then shop on line you need to just do the following;
- Go to and sign in (or even set as your home page so you don’t forget!!)
- Search for the retailer you want to shop at. It should then show the retailer (there are over 2000 registered on the website so hopefully will include yours)
- Click on the’ visit store’ button. You will then be directed to the normal website where you shop as normal.
If you have any queries about making donations then feel free to contact the Treasurer
Monetary donation
You can donate by either;
1. Weekly donations. Due to a scheme from the government, if the monies donated do not include any notes larger than £20 then we will still be able to claim some monies from the government on these donations at no cost to you.
2. Standing Order. By completing a standing order form (available in the churches or from Alan Marshall) we will take a regular payment from your account (value determined by you).
3. One off donations. Any cheques should be made payable to “Newbattle Parish Church” or click the button below:
If you are a UK tax payer we can claim a further 25% back from the government on any donations you make
By completing a gift aid form will enable us to claim a further 25% back from the government on any donations you make. All you have to do is complete the form, and give to Sheilagh Law. We will then allocate a code to you that you simply use every time you make a donation
Leaving a Legacy
If you’ve made a will, or are thinking about it, why not consider leaving a legacy to the Church? It’s exempt from inheritance tax and whether it’s a little or a lot, you’ll know that you are benefiting the ongoing work of Newbattle Parish
For more information see this Church of Scotland leaflet.