
“What a friend we have in Jesus
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer”

Joseph Scriven (1819-1886)

 We believe strongly in the power of prayer – whether it’s for “big things” like peace in places where there’s a war, or for everyday worries, such as the health of a family member or a friend’s success in finding work, or for yourself.  There are many examples of prayers being answered by God – even if sometimes the response is spot-on right but isn’t what we expected!  As Christians, we believe that God hears everybody’s prayers – whether they come to church or not – and will help us in the best way He can.

There’s no special language you need to use to talk to God: you just talk to him as you would to a good, trustworthy and faithful friend.  Don’t worry if what you say seems disorganised or confused – God will work it out. Maybe you want to talk out loud, or just in your head – God will hear you whatever you do. Sometimes people find that closing their eyes or kneeling helps them to concentrate better on speaking to God, but there’s no rule that says you need to do that.

Prayer Group

Our prayer group meets on a Thursday morning 10am – 11am at Mayfield & Easthouses church.

Would you like someone to pray for you, your family or someone you know?  Within Newbattle Parish Church, there are people who regularly gather in small groups within the church and will gladly pray people in the parish who need God’s help and for people you’re anxious about. 

You can ask them to do so in several ways:

Speak to the Minister or one of our elders.

Post a prayer request in the Prayer Request Box via our prayer cards on the seats in the church in Mayfield and Easthouses.

Come in person to the Prayer Group.  Some people find it helps if they are praying along with other people. You don’t need to pray out loud: God hears silent prayers too!