Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
Romans 10:17

We know that coming to church can be quite intimidating. Even for a regular church-goer, a new church throws up all sorts of questions. Well, here we try to answer them and, above all, tell you that you will be welcome here!
When are the services? During the redevelopment of Newtongrange Church all our services are at Mayfield and Easthouses Church at 11am on Sundays.
We hold special services at Easter and Christmas, plus occasional evening services.
Can I just walk in?
Yes! Anyone is welcome.
Can I bring the kids?
Yes! Children are very welcome. They can join in the first part of the service and we have special activity sheets available for during the sermon.
I use a wheelchair – can I get in?
Yes – we are very accessible.
What should I wear?
Some people like to ‘dress up’ for church and other prefer to be more casual – whichever you are more comfortable with.
How long will the service be?
It depends what kind of service it is. Usually around an hour.
Can I leave if I want to?
Obviously we hope you will want to stay – but of course you may get up and leave at any point if you wish.
Do I need to bring anything?
No. However at a designated point in the service a collection of money will be announced and collection bags will be passed from person to person. You are welcome to join in with the giving if you wish but please do not hesitate to just pass the bag to the next person if you prefer. You will see this happening as some regulars give in other ways.
I don’t know if I’m a Christian – does that matter?
No – all are welcome, whatever stage you are at in your spiritual journey. .
What happens when I walk in?
You will be greeted with a smile and a welcoming “Hello” from the Welcome Team – at some services you will also be handed a hymn book to use during the service.
Where do I sit?
Pretty much anywhere you like. No one has reserved seats.
Will anyone speak to me?
Yes! We do try and give a friendly welcome to anyone new – but it helps us if you let us know it’s your first time.
How do I know when to stand up and sit down or when we are supposed to say something aloud?
You will only need to stand for the hymn singing. It is usual for us to repeat the Lord’s Prayer whilst the children are still with us. It is your choice whether you join in.
What if I don’t know the hymns?
Don’t worry – we have a wide range of hymns and no one can know them all. Try and join in as it goes along. No one will mind if you don’t sing.
Does it matter if the baby or children make a noise?
Not at all – we know babies make noises and we love to have them in church. Feel free to stand up, walk around or even move to another room if you think it will help calm you / your baby. Anything is fine by us.
Can my kids join in?
Will the sermon be long and boring?
Definitely not! Sermons last for about 15 minutes, based on the Bible reading for the day, and would include day-to-day issues.
Why are some people ignoring the collection bag?
Regulars may be giving in other ways and so do not put money in the bag each week.
How do I know the service has ended?
The Minister will give a blessing followed by the ’Amen’, and we may also sing a small blessing to finish. People will sit down, and sometimes spend a few moments in a quiet prayer. And then there is always tea and coffee served so people can stay and chat.
Should I stay for coffee?
Yes please do. Come and have a coffee/tea – and let us know you are new to Newbattle Parish. We try very hard to make sure all are welcome, so you won’t be left standing on your own!
I’d like to come regularly – should I tell someone?
It’s always good for us to know if someone is new, and especially if they feel they would like to come regularly.
If you have any questions during the service then please ask people nearby as they will be very happy to help. Alternatively lots of people will be around after the service to share a drink and will be happy to answer any questions.