Sunday Worship – 17th January 2021 by Rev Gayle Taylor

Sitting in different chairs, joining in at different times throughout the day, God’s people still gather for worship on this, the Lord’s day. Welcome, to Sunday worship.
Call to worship:
Welcome to church:
not a place, but an invitation;
not a building, but a way of engaging;
not a service, but a way of serving;
not an institution, but a path to adventure.
In this new year,
let us gather,
and welcome each other:
make space for all,
decide to love more,
and break the rules of the world
with the generosity of the kingdom.
And if anyone asks “why?”
or “how?” or “what does it all mean?”
simply use Jesus’ own words:
“Come and see!”
HYMN – Lord, you have come to the Seashore (sing aloud at home)
All-Age Prayer (using gestures as well as words)
Loving God
may we pray
less with statements
and more with questions.
Draw a large question mark in the air with your hands.
May we pray
less with sounds
and more with silence.
Put a finger to your lips.
May we pray
less with words
and more with acts.
Clench fists and place one on top of the other repeatedly
like you are building up .
So we may see
and feel
and know
there is something new,
here for us all
new every day:
your love
for us all
Place your hands over your heart, crossed over.
Reading: John 1 v 43 – 51 read by Tracy Teasdale
Dramatised Reading:
HYMN – When Jesus Saw the Fishermen
Prayers for Others and Ourselves
Loving God
our simple prayer
and our deep hope
is for your kingdom
to be found
between our neighbours
in the love we share
between our nations,
in the compassion we offer
between all people,
in the peace we make.
may we all see
your kingdom
And so we bring our words
and our longings
and shape them into
the relationships we build this year
and affirm the truth
that in our relationships
is where your kingdom will be found.
We pray for those in conflict,
for refugees and the displaced,
for so many who suffer in so many ways
from disease, hunger, fear, and division.
This is not of your kingdom
and it does not need to be the story of our world.
We pray for our governments,
for Westminster and Edinburgh
for Brussels and Washington,
Moscow and Beijing,
and the longing to find stability and a future
that is balanced and fair,
equally shared,
and Kingdom-shaped.
We pray for our congregation and parish,
for our neighbours around us
and the way we live and speak together
of love and grace and truth.
And we pray for our families and friends,
for those ill and those recovering,
for those grieving and hurting,
those anxious and worried,
fearful and afraid
and for the love that directs us
and calls us
and challenges us
to be your people,
to see your kingdom
between us,
among us,
through us.
So be it.
HYMN – Behold I make all things new
Offering – in addition to the physical offerings we usually make in church, you can now donate online via the donate button on the main page of the website. We also offer our time and talents for the work of the Kingdom.
Prayer of Dedication
Creator God,
here is the invitation
to possibility,
that we open up,
that those who are hungry,
may come and see
where the kingdom is made,
in the sharing of gifts,
the finding of the lost,
and the welcoming of the stranger.
May this be done
through our own response
to come and see
the possibilities
of the kingdom.
HYMN – Will You Come and Follow Me
Today, we came and saw.
Today, tomorrow and always
may we renew our invitation to others to come and see
Jesus for themselves.
And as we do,
may we go in peace to love and to serve
with the blessing of God almighty… Amen
Sunday Worship – 10th January 2021

Since Monday the 4th of January when we learned we were entering into another national lockdown, the Church of Scotland have been working with the Scottish Government on new Covid 19 guidelines for churches to be able carry out essential work during this time. You can find more information about these on our home page. The Moderator has also responded to a sense that congregations want to know they are connected and part of something bigger during these uncertain days. To this end, a special online service has been produced for today so that all congregations can share together in the same service and can draw comfort and strength in worshipping as one.
Let us join together today for worship: