Autumn, October, in the church is a time for Harvest, a time for giving and a time for gratitude.
Following an unprecedented 18 months of challenge and financial crisis for the church due to the pandemic, congregations have been encouraged by the General Assembly to participate in a church-wide National Giving Day at a time of their choosing between Sunday 5 September and Sunday 31 October 2021. Here at Newbattle, we decided to make our date Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday on October 10th but gifts can be made throughout October online or at the service on the 24th. Here is a short video with a message from the Moderator of the General Assembly explaining why this day of giving is needed.
We will be on zoom every Sunday during October and the joining instructions and link (below) will be the same for each week.
Worship Programme:
Sunday 24th October – Communion Sunday. This service will be in the building at Mayfield and Easthouses and on zoom and will include the sacrament of communion. During October we are not having a telephone booking system but people will be required to give their name and phone number for track and trace on entry. If you can, please have this on a little card or slip of paper to hand to the stewards to ease the queue of people coming into the church. People joining us on zoom are asked to have elements of bread and wine (or equivalent for your own dietary requirements) beside them at home. We will also have a section in this service to mark Safeguarding Sunday when we will pray for the work of our Safeguarding Coordinator and panel who serve the church by protecting our most vulnerable groups. The ministry team will be piloting a new Sunday Breakfast Club for primary school children this day at 9.30am as part of the school holiday with the support of the Safeguarding panel.
Sunday 31st October – on zoom, gathering from 10.45am, worship from 11am and breakout rooms after the service for those who would like a time of fellowship.
NOVEMBER – The Kirk Session discussed and decided at their October meeting that during November there will be 2 services in the building alongside the zoom services. These will be on the 14th November for Remembrance Sunday at the slightly later time of 11.30am and on Sunday the 28th November. More information will follow in due course.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 488647
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Passcode: 488647
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