Sunday Worship – 6th September 2020 by Rev Gayle Taylor

Sitting in different chairs, joining in at different times throughout the day, God’s people still gather for worship on this, the Lord’s day. Welcome, to Sunday worship.

Call to Worship

Based on Psalm 149 parts in bold to say aloud:

Praise the Lord!

Sing to the Lord a new song!

We are glad in our Maker

and we rejoice in our King.

We praise our Lord with melodies

and dancing!

May we bring pleasure to our Lord,

and seek out his most holy way.

And when we find ourselves amidst

argument and division,

conflict and disagreement,

may we return to your presence

resolved to find a better way.

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord in all we do!

HYMN – Sing of the Lord’s Goodness

All-Age Prayer

God of love,

we join together in the church

or in our homes, with our friends,

or our families because we love you

and you love us.

We do not always know what to do

because our world is a complicated place,

but you have shown us how to be good people,

so, we try to be kind, to be generous,

and to treat other people as we want to be treated.

Help us to see that when we do this—

when we are online, or in the playground,

or in our homes—

that when we talk to each other

with kindness and love

we can live like you told us,

and make the world a better place.

We want to thank you for being in our lives,

for being there when we are sad

for laughing with us when we are happy,

for loving us always.

Help us to be better friends to each other

just like you are to us.


Reading: Matthew 18 v 15-20 read by Sandra Marshall

Dramatised Reading:


Sunday School for all Ages:

How To Talk To Each Other

You will need: a balloon that has not been inflated.

Talk with the group about how they speak to their parents, friends, teachers/leaders. Explore if they use good words, kind words, smile or do they cry, scream, shout, say horrible words, hurtful words. As they speak to you and of course you give them ideas, every time they tell you something positive about the way they speak to others, congratulate and affirm them and blow the balloon up. Let all the air out and start again with bad ways they speak to people. Blow the balloon up with a breath every time they suggest a bad way to speak to people. When the balloon is blown up a bit burst it.

Talking nicely to someone can fill them with love but when you say horrible or cruel things about a person it can fill them with so much hurt that they might burst just like our balloon did! Their confidence is gone and they will feel really bad. Jesus does not want that: he wants us to speak nicely to each other even if we disagree so that we share the love together and pass it on to others.

HYMN – I am the Church

Prayers for Others and Ourselves

Ever-living God,

Creator and Sustainer of all that we perceive,

guide us always towards

peace, hope, and the promise of a

new way of life in your church,

a community united in love of you and each other.

As we move through the seasons of the year,

as we wait for the landscape to change,

we are shown the beauty of our world.

We give thanks, and we pray

for the wisdom to listen to experts,

to see the impact we have on your

awesome creation, that we might

unify and makes changes now,

for the generations to come.

As our world continues to grapple with the

unimaginable loss and pain experienced

by hundreds of thousands of families,

we pray, individually and as a church

for compassion and the ability

to comfort, support,

and to have patience and empathy in the

grief of others no matter how it

is manifest or how long it lasts.

As our church seeks its own way forward

in a changed and changing world,

we pray for strength

to build on what is good,

to prune what is dead,

and to find new ways to

unite in our mission to

spread your love to the world around us.

As inequality, fear, and hate

continue to plague our society,

we pray for the boldness

to stand up to the evils of this world,

to live the new life promised and

given through our saviour Jesus,

to turn from inaction to action,

and to work for justice for all

as one body of Christ,

in the full knowledge and confidence

that you are with us now and forever.


The Offering – you can now make a donation for the work of the church online. If you would like to do this, please click on the “donate now” on the main page of the website.

HYMN – First

Prayer of Dedication

Generous God,

we give thanks and praise,

today and every day

for the gift of community

in the church and beyond

for the joy of all ages

coming together to listen and learn

to grow and to thrive

in your love and the love of each other.

We make this offering,

tokens of our commitment to you

and to the mission and ministry

of this community of your people

ever seeking to grow your kingdom.


HYMN – When I Needed a Neighbour


Go into this new week

seeking peace in your heart.

Let go of the grudges,

the resentment that holds you back,

know that Jesus loves you

and those with whom you struggle.

May God’s peace,

Jesus’ love,

and the Spirit’s presence go with you. Amen.