Last year, you may remember, we registered as a church to be part of the prayer initiative “Thy Kingdom Come”. This initiative is happening again this year from Ascension Day (which is today) until Pentecost. Newbattle Parish will be inviting people to focus on prayers provided for this initiative during these special 11 days. Our young people from the Inbetween group will all take part and will each have their own “Cheeky Panda” to help them! To find out more you can watch Archbishop Cottrell’s introduction to Thy Kingdom Come (below), listen to Archbishop Justin’s podcast on Ascension Day and you can click on the link to find more resources.
Life is hard. The way ahead isn’t obvious. And faced with difficulty and uncertainty God doesn’t send us a rule book or a map. He sends a companion to walk with us: Jesus, the way. And he is not just the way for us – but for each and every person. Let us pray for those we know and love that they may find the way of Christ.
Loving God, when I’m feeling lost or lonely or afraid or uncertain of the way ahead, be my guide, a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. And today help me to be a good companion to those I meet. Amen