From Ash Wednesday (17th February) to the Wednesday of Holy Week (31st March) we will be journeying through the season of Lent together as a church community. Here are the various ways you can join in:
Lent Mindfulness Trail

Lent is the time that Christians prepare for Easter, by fasting or giving something up for 40 days in imitation of Jesus’ fasting in the desert before his public ministry. Religious or not, Lent is a great way to set yourself a challenge, make lifestyle changes or connect with nature. Exercising, walking, being more mindful, connecting with people, or doing your bit for the planet are all brilliant ways to make the most of your Lent.
This year Erika and the Inbetweens Group have put posters around the parks in Mayfield and Easthouses for people of all faiths and none to spend some time purposefully practicing mindfulness whilst out walking.
Scientific studies show that mindfulness meditation can reduce stress and calms anxiety, for Christians it gives us the opportunity to “Be Still” before God, to still our hearts, minds and spirits.
Daily reflections, prayers and readings for you at home

We are pleased to partner with the Bible Society and to promote their daily Lent resource “The Lent Encounter.” It’s a completely free 40-day journey to help you connect more with the Bible and the life of Jesus – AND you don’t have to give up chocolate!
Click on the link below and you can sign up today to receive one email straight to your inbox every day during Lent. These will include Bible verses, beautiful and inspiring images (created especially for you to save as your device screensaver), video reflections and practical challenges.
For people not on the internet, we are grateful to the Church of England for making their daily Live Lent resource available by phone. Calling each day you will hear a new daily message throughout the season.

Living His Story – A Lent Bible Study

Gayle and Affie will be leading this bible study each Wednesday morning at 11am on zoom from 17th February to 31st March. If you would like to join the group please email either of us gtaylor@churchofscotland.org.uk or amorley@churchofscotland.org.uk and we will send you the zoom details.
Week One – The Greatest Story of all Time
Week Two – Catching up with God
Week Three – Jesus was in the Transformation Business
Week Four – Communicating like Jesus Did
Week Five – Passing on the Story of Jesus
Week Six – Finding Echoes of the Story of Jesus in our World Today
Week Seven (during Holy Week) – Stories of Finding Jesus
Newtongrange Easter Garden

Each Wednesday there will be an outdoor activity in the church grounds at Newtongrange for all ages to help us journey step by step from pancakes to chocolate eggs – from Shrove Tuesday (the day before Lent begins) to the Easter Sunday celebration.
6 Sundays – Special Services

The six Sundays of Lent before Palm Sunday and Holy week will involve special Lent services at 11am including a zoom service together on Sunday the 21st for the first Sunday in Lent.