The Newtongrange Gala Day and celebration week takes places annually in June. For obvious reasons this year’s event was postponed. However, the traditions of the Gala Day are so important to the village that the committee have worked hard to organise an alternative, safe and socially distanced celebration today. Most of this took place outside and via live streaming on the Gala Day website https://www.newtongrangegala.org/ You can also find coverage on social media if you search for Newtongrange Gala Day.
The church has traditionally always played a big part in this community event with the “Kirking of the Gala”: holding a special church service, having a Minister’s message at the parade and with the presentation of bibles to the Gala King and Queen. As you’ll see from the video message on the Gala Day website, we have still managed to take part with 2 out of 3 this year! The Minister’s message was part of the ceremony where the Gala King and Queen were given their bibles this afternoon.