Jellytots at Mayfield and Easthouses – Starting Back!

7 reasons kids should not be given too many toys to play with | Parenting  News,The Indian Express

We’re looking forward to welcoming back parents, grandparents and carers to our toddler group Jellytots on Monday the 4th October from 10am – 12noon at Mayfield and Easthouses Cornerstone Cafe. The group is for those looking after pre school children in the area and gives a chance for the children to play together while the adults get some conversation and a cuppa. Our new Congregational Support Worker, Elisabeth, will be running this group every Monday and looks forward to meeting both old and new members. For more information you can call the church office on 0131 663 3245 or find us on facebook by searching for Mayfield and Easthouses Jellytots or simply come along on a Monday from the beginning of October. All Covid regulations will be complied with to make sure everyone is safe.

June Messy Church by Erika Pryde

Today is the last Messy Church for this term, by the time we re-turn in September after the school holidays we may even be able to meet together in person and sing, tell stories and eat together.
Todays story can be found on You Tube
June 1st 2021.
Many Christian celebrate Pente-cost as the birthday of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, It is am important day in the calendar, so lets share it today with the Bible, some crafts ac-tivities.
We use a calendar to remind us of important events. What days do you put on a calendar? School holidays? Your family holiday? Special meetings? Parties? Birthdays? The day each of us was born is a very important day.
(Psalm 139:14-16)
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well. 15 You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother’s body. When I was put together there, 16 you saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.
Our parents and grandparents waited 9 long months for us to be born, and then on that day messages went out to family and friends that were excited and wanted to share the good news. It was probably posted on facebook, twitter and Instagram Birthdays celebrate the day God brought us into this world. In our story today we are going to hear about another birthday.
The Bible story of Pente-cost is in Acts of the Apostles chapter 2: 1-24
Shall we pray together?
Dear God, Thank you for Jesus, Thank you that he was willing to die for me to take away all my wrongdoing, BUT thank you even more that he didn’t stay dead! You raised jhim up and now he is in heaven, waiting for me. Thank you that you sent your Holy Spirit to be our helper here on earth and thank you that I am part of your church family and can celebrate Pentecost. Amen
Newbattle Parish is registered as a Charity in Scotland SC035087
Did you join in with the songs and jump up and down? If a party is really good we all get really excited, we sing and dance and just go crazy!
The friends of Jesus were really excited they were filled with the promised power of God—the Holy Spirit, this made people think they were drunk, but they weren’t , it was early in the morning!
Every person that heard them speak understood what they were saying as if it was in their own language, That was amazing! How many languages do you know? I know Ian speaks 4 , English, Scots, Polish and Spanish, can you beat that.? After hearing the friends of Jesus talking about Jesus and him being raised from the dead, many many people became believers, It tells us in the bible that people joined the believers and followers of Jesus everyday. As the group of believers got bigger they shared everything together and ate food together, they worshiped together in the Temple and some of them per-formed miricles.This became the first “Church” Many Christians celebrate Pentecost, as the birthday of the church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The holiday falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.
Use your crafts to decorate your home and remember this special day , Ask Jesus to share it with you.

Pentecost Bible Crafts and Activities

Pentecost wind twirls,
You will need; a paper plate or piece of thin card cut into a circle, colouring pencils, crayons or pens, some cord or thread, beads or other decorations, scissors. A fat pen or crayon
Mark the centre of the plate or  circle of card. Tie one end of cord around the fat pen and the other around a pencil. Put the fat pen point down in the centre of the circle. Take the pencil and draw round at the length of the cord. If you hold the fat pen still the pencil will gradually wind round it and you can draw a spiral. Decorate your plate. Cut the spiral leaving room in the centre to punch a hole for hanging thread to go through.
You could hang your twirl from the washing line or in the house, the breeze will make it twirl round and round, as well as reminding you of the wind that came at Pentecost the way it twirls reminds us of the flames that rested on everyone praying in the house when the Holy Spirit came. If you add beads or perhaps cut out foil or bottle lids you could use them to remind you to pray for people you love to have the Holy Sprit help them at this time.

Messy Church – May 2021

May the Fourth be with you! by Erika Pryde

Today is known as Star Wars day!

Now it has come to the attention of some of the Messy Church team that not everyone is aware of this and worse! that some people have never even watched a Star Wars Film! Shocking! If you have the Disney Chanel (and I don’t!) you may be able to get one of the recent ones there.

Star Wars takes place in a Galaxy far, far away and unfolds over many, many years but it is fictional (well, we think it is!). Within the stories and the characters that unfold there are lots of Christian messages that can be explored, Heroes that have failures, characters that are part of something much bigger, the need for wise teachers, fear, darkness, forgiveness and hope, But the one we will look at is the FORCE.

In Star Wars the universe is governed by a mysterious life Force, those who are good tap into this Force and can wield incredible powers (The Jedi Knights are like superhero using the Force to sense what is around them) but those villains who are dedicated to evil like the Sith try to make the Force do what they want it to do and the powers they have lead to destruction, fear and selfishness.

So the battle in Star Wars is between Good (the Rebellion trying to protect the weaker people of the universe) and Evil (The Empire trying to control and have power over the entire universe)

Even when the evil Empire appears to be in control, the galaxy is still at war and the rebellion continues in small pockets where hope can still be found. Heroes rise up to defend the weak and inspire others. By using the Force, the Jedi Knights show the universe that evil can be defeated. The Jedi knights are trained to trust the higher power that they can’t see, to follow the will of the living Force. This gives them the ability to save the universe.

God calls his followers to be heroes like this too. To use the Power that he gives us. For us, it is the Holy Spirit, Gods presence with us, helping us to overcome fear, to do right, to forgive, to bring love and care to other people and to bring the light of Jesus (like our own light sabres) into the world (and universe) When we read our bible (which is called the sword of the spirit in Ephesians 6 verse 17) we can be a force for good. We can see lots of examples of the Power of the God overcoming evil.

Do you want to be a superhero, like a Jedi Knight? Then let the Power of God’s Spirit guide you. You might not think you are extraordinary but remember that the Jedi knights weren’t born heroes, they trained and worked hard. You aren’t alone, spend time like the Jedi knights learning from a good teacher, Luke Skywalker learnt from Obi Wan and Yoda before he was ready to go and make a difference and even then he went with friends from the Rebellion, just as Jesus Disciples did when Jesus sent them out to spread the message of Love. And you are part of something bigger. In the same way that in Star Wars each of the characters is fighting for something bigger than themselves, that is Intergalactic peace, each of us is part of the body of Christ – that is part of all Christians the world over, you can help teach others about Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit just as others have before you.

Shall we pray?

Lord Jesus, thank you that you gave us your spirit to help us to do good, let us use our light to help others, to overcome fear, darkness and bad things just as the Jedi use their light sabres and the Force 


May the 4th Experiments

Magnetic force  –

You will need –

  • 1 container or drinking glass
  • Pipe cleaner (at least 1)
  • Scissors
  • Magnet


Use the scissors and cut up the pipe cleaners into 1 – 2cm strands. Add them to the container and close the lid. Place the magnet somewhere on the container, give the whole thing a light shake and you will find the strands are attracted to the magnet.

 Basically it happens because magnets have an invisible force field that causes it to attract and stick to metals such as what is found inside these pipe cleaners. This force is strong enough to pass through some materials like the plastic of this container.

Wind Force –

  • You will need- Square sheet of paper, Pin, straw or stick, small circle of plastic (like the flat inside of a milk carton lid.) Follow the picture instructions and then if your windmill catches the pin use the plastic circle on top of the paper, pushing the pin through it.

Gravity Force-

  • stick
  • String
  • Paperclips
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Strong magnets
  • Metal ruler (or wooden ruler with tape)
  • Blocks, books, or other material for stacking


1.Start by tying some paperclips to pieces of string. Then tie the string onto a small dowel rod or stick.

2. Lift up the dowel rod so the paperclips hang from the string.

Which direction do the paperclips point?

What happens if you tilt the stick? 

3.Tape your magnets along the ruler

4. make two towers with your blocks and put the ruler with magnets facing down

5. take the paper clips off your stick

6. Take one paperclip and hold it until it’s just suspended below the first magnet. Tape the string in place onto the table (or whatever surface your activity is on). Do this with the other two paperclips.

7.After taping the string down remove the ruler with the magnets and see what happens

8.Put the ruler with magnets back above the paperclips. Slowly lift each paperclip toward each magnet

Light Sabers –

                             You will need-  a glow stick, cardboard, sticky tape, tinfoil

  1. Using the card board as the handle, make it into a tube and stick to the thicker end of the glow stick.
  2. With the tin foil fold it into little pleats to make ridges then stick this to the card to make a silver handle
  3. Bend the glow stick carefully to activate the light and shake, May the Force (Fourth) be with you

Static electricity –

              You will need  – a balloon

Method –           1.blow up the balloon, tie it off at the neck.

2.Rub the balloon on your jumper or T-shirt

3.Now try and ‘hang’ it on the wall or hold near your hair watch your hair stand on end!

That is static, sometimes it can give you a shock when you’ve walked on a nylon carpet or when you touch a handle or door, you can feel the effect but can’t see it!

Hurrah! Things are starting to get a bit more normal, whether you like school or not at least you are able to meet with your friends again, you can start back at some of your sports clubs. The Clubs have started meeting again and there is hope for holidays and visits to families all over Scotland and the UK. Church is back open on some Sundays and on zoom as well but Messy Church has not restarted in the building because we can’t offer food or drinks and we can’t mingle as groups so for May and June we will carry on with Messy Church to go.

Next month Tuesday 1st June is PARTY TIME – join with us at the square by Scotmid to collect a party bag!! Happy Birthday to the Christian Church.

God Bless you and be with you all, From Erika and the Messy Church team, Ruth, Joey, Emily, Lucy, Beth, Bailiee, Abbey, Bibi.

Newbattle Parish, Church of Scotland, serving the communities of Mayfield, Easthouses, Newtongrange and Newbattle.

Scottish Charity SC085087

May 4th 2021

May the Fourth be with you!

There is a lot in your bag this month, experiments to carry out looking at invisible forces, a light sabre of your own to make (in miniature) and a POWER pack about the invisible power of God with bible verses and activities to do as families. And as we approach the part of the Christian year during which we celebrate the ascension of Jesus into heaven after appearing to hundreds of disciples after his sacrifice, there is an interactive prayer map to use from 13th May onwards.

WOW so busy you will be! enjoy your activities, please post on the face book page and show your creations

There are so many things around you that you can’t see!  How many can you think of? The Wind, Gravity, Electricity, Static Electricity, Magnetism and WIFI.

You can’t see but you can feel and see the effect of the wind blowing the trees and washing, turning a turbine. You can see the effect of Gravity when you fall over, when you drop a penny, Talk together about what effects you can see of other invisible powers.